Sunday, December 14, 2008

Got Gamed!

I had this chick added me up last week and she was gorgeous.first i tought she was fake.herm that i had a fake feeling that it was for i know it was too good to be true.That motherfucker Arie created a myspace profile and he added me up.i just started to chat with "HER" who as actually a him.and today tyra told me it was Arie!arrrgh i was so pissed off! he and all the puchong kids along with my housemates have actually teamed up to play a big prank on me.arggh i'm so gonna get my revenge after this


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Keanorlinsya said...

ahahahaha terbaeek!
macam hamid ghurka kau sem lps.

ola said...

ppl are just mean.. sabar je k. u dont have to balas dendam. Allah akan balas pada yang jahat. :)